Mirage Aircraft for Flight Simulator Instrument Panels
More and more panels are becoming available for Mirage aircraft. Prior to the Mirage 2000
series, French instrument panels have all been black with analog instruments. The cockpits
themselves are cramped and the panels reflect this, having tall cowling sides. With the
introduction of the Mirage 2000-5F came AMF or Afficheur Multi-Fonctions (MFD, Multi-Function
Display) glass panels in French designed military aircraft.

Early Dassault

Aircraft: Dassault Mirage G8 package
File: Dassault_Mirage_G8.zip (5.5MB)
Released: November 2019
Repainter: Philippe Wallaert
Notes: Update for FSX/P3Dv3. Based on Patrice Grange original.
New gauges with standard and widescreen panel options. Bundled as a complete package.
Aircraft: Dassault Mystére IVA
File: mystereiva_v1.0_fs9/fsx.zip (44-48MB)
Released: July 2010
Designer: André Chancel/Restauravia
Notes: Versions for FS2004
and FSX.
Complete package for FS9 and FSX with 2D panel and VC.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage III V
Files: GA_MIIIV.rar (38MB)
Released: May 2009
Designer: Jean-Pierre Langer
Notes: For FS2004 and FSX. Bundled with GMAX Acad�mie Mirage III V package.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage G8
File: MirageG8_V3.zip (9MB)
Released: June 2007
Designer: Patrice Grange
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Bundled with the Mirage G8. New background and FSX compatible gauges.
Aircraft: Dassault Super Mystére B2
File: SMB2MIL1_180207.zip (34MB)
Released: February 2007
Designer: FSFrance, Jean-Pierre Langer
Notes: Included with FSFrance Super Mystére B2 for FS2004. Features three viewing perspectives.
Aircraft: Dassault Mystére IVA
File: MIVA_V1.ZIP (24MB)
Released: May 2006
Repainter: Jean-François Martin
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Packaged with new Mystere IVA. Photorealistic textures, new XML gauges and features.
Aircraft: Super Mystére B2
File: SMB2_PNL.ZIP (8MB)
Released: February 2006
Repainter: Jean-Pierre Langer
Notes: Designed for the FS2004 Super Mystére B2 by Wim Regeer. Features photorealistic background and gauges. A copy of the original pilot's pocket checklist is included.
Aircraft: Dassault Mystere Delta 550
File: MD550PNL.ZIP (1.3MB)
Released: June 1998
Designer: Johann Ludwig
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. This panel is for the MD550 "Mystére Delta";
predecessor of the famous Mirage series (later renamed Mirage I). Beautifully hand
drawn, it demonstrates the black crinkle-finish of the early Dassault panels.

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Mirage III / 5 / 50 

Aircraft: Panel for Mirage IIIB/IIIC
File: as_panel_for_mirage_3b_&_3c (1.2MB)
Released: May 2024
Developer: OBIO
Notes: For FS9 and CFS2. Panel is the freeware AlphaSim Mirage IVA. Gauges are from a number of freeware jets.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIC
File: MirageIIIC_v1.0_FSX.zip (236MB)
Released: December 2014
Repainter: Restauravia
Notes: Complete cockpit in two versions -- with and without rocket pack. Very "system deep" with TACAN radio, Automatic Pitch Trim, and Approach Auto Throttle. Clickable areas to make the frame transparent for improved visibility during approach. More info. Updated for Prepar3D v4.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIB
File: restauravia_M3B_v1.zip (101.6MB)
Released: May 2013
Repainter: Restauravia
Notes: Complete front and rear cockpits. Very "system deep" with TACAN radio, Automatic Pitch Trim, and Approach Auto Throttle. Clickable areas to make the frame transparent for improved visibility during approach. More info. Updated for Prepar3D v4.
Aircraft: Mirage IIICZ Package
File: FS9 (27.3MB) /
FSX (23.8MB)
Released: March 2013
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Bundled with Mirage IIICZ package. 2D panel with aircraft specific gauges, and easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpit. Also features a working radar, new nav instruments, plus normal and wide screen versions.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIS, Swiss Air Force, v2.0 Release
File: Isra_Mirage_IIIS.zip (67.7MB)
Released: July 2012
Designers: Beat Schaffner
Notes: For FS2004. Bundled with Mirage IIIS V2. Download IIIS Manual. (9.9MB)
Aircraft: Mirage IIIB, Armée de l'Air
File: 5Mirage3B.zip (11.2MB) and
Mirage3B_smallfix.zip (1MB)
Released: August 2010
Repainter: Patrice Grange
Notes: For FSX (Acceleration compatible) and FS2004. VC and 2D panel. Included with Mirage IIIB package.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIEA for CFS2
File: mk_Mirage_IIIEA.zip (9.1MB)
Released: August 2011
Repainter: Morton Krogstad
Notes: For CFS2. Uses FS2004 model by J.E.Narcizo. Complete package with four texture sets -- French and Argentina, widescreen panel, CFS2 weapons.
Aircraft: Mirage III/5 Gunsight
File: Mirage_Gunsight.zip (350MB)
Released: November 2009
Designer: Frank Safranek
Notes: For FSX. Replacement gunsight modeled after C.S.F. 97K. For use with the Mark Harper Mirage III/5/Nesher.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIR
File: 8Mirage3R.zip (12.5MB)
Released: August 2008
Designer: Patrice Grange
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Bundled with the Mirage IIIR. Do not overwrite existing files during installation.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIE/IIID
File: MIRAGE3E.ZIP (12.8MB)
Released: January 2007
Designer: J.E. Narcizo
Notes: For FS2004. Bundled with the Mirage IIIE/IIID package.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIC/IIIE
File: Mirage3E3C_V4.zip (14.1MB)
Released: December 2007
Designer: Patrice Grange
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Bundled with the Mirage IIIC/IIIE. New background and FSX compatible gauges.
Aircraft: Mirage 5/50
File: MIR5EF.ZIP (36.7MB)
Released: December 2007
Designer: Eduardo Fadul
Notes: For FS2004. Bundled with the Mirage 5/50 (MIR5EF.ZIP).
Aircraft: Mirage IIIB/C
File: ...mirage_3b_and_3c.zip (1.2MB)
Released: December 2007
Designer: OBIO
Notes: For FS2004. Uses Alphasim Mirage IV panel background with various freeware gauges.
Aircraft: Mirage IIICZ
Released: August 2006
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Packaged with new Mirage IIICZ designed by Thinus. Mirage specific XML gauges, radar, and moving map display.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIE
File: MirageIIIE.zip (2.6MB)
Released: June 2006
Designers: Italo D'Attomo and Giovanni Quai
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Uses background parts from other panels. Includes many gauges designed by the authors. Packaged with new Mirage III.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIEZ
File: MIRAGE111EZ.ZIP (8.5MB)
Released: June 2005
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Packaged with new Mirage IIIEZ. Many new Mirage specific XML gauges.
Aircraft: Mirage IIICZ
File: Mirage_IIICZ.zip (6.4MB)
Released: June 2005
Designer: Jens-Ole Kjølberg
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Bundled with FS2004 updated Mirage IIIC series. Uses gauges by Saverio Maurri, Romain and Laurent Lucas, and Eric Marciano.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIEBR / IAI Kfir
File: M3EBR_PNL.ZIP (1.4MB)
Released: February 2003
Designers: Denis and Daniel da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Intended for use with upgraded Mirage IIIEBR or IAI Kfir.
Includes some background artwork from the often used Kfir panel by Dave Haskell.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIRS
Released: February 2003
Designers: Denis and Daniel da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Intended for use with Swiss Air Force IIIRS but typical of Mirage III recce (sans radar)
versions. Includes some background artwork from the often used Kfir panel by Dave Haskell.
Aircraft: Mirage III
Released: October 2002
Designer: Patrice Grange
Notes: Background loosely based on image of modernized Mirage panel.
Designed for Denis and Daniel Da Silva Mirage III series but will work with any Mirage or
modernized single-engine military aircraft.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIEBR (Updated)
File: daSilvaMirage3Up.zip (557KB)
Released: June 2002
Designers: Denis and Daniel da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Includes same Alphasim background artwork as daSilvaMirageIII.zip below.
Some instruments have been updated. Intended for use with upgraded Mirage IIIEBR.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIEBR
File: daSilvaMirageIII.zip (312KB)
Released: May 2002
Designers: Denis and Daniel da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Intended for use with upgraded Mirage IIIEBR.
Includes background artwork from Alphasim Mirage III.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIB
File: M3B_PANL.ZIP (1MB)
Released: December 2001
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Early style panel for front seat of Mirage IIIB.
Background and layout based on photos of IIIBZ panel at South Africa Air Force
Museum. Designed for FS2000/CFS2.
Aircraft: Mirage IIIC
Released: November 2000
Designer: Renaud Dudon
Notes: For FS98. Early Arm�e de l'Air Mirage IIIC panel.
Based on the Kfir panel by Dave Haskell and uses gauges from numerous sources including Mike
McCormack's F1AZ panel (both below).

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Mirage IV 

Aircraft: Dassault Mirage IV package
File: Dassault_Mirage-IV.zip (15MB)
Released: November 2019
Repainter: Philippe Wallaert
Notes: Update for FSX/P3Dv3. Based on David Bushell original.
New gauges with standard and widescreen panel options. Bundled as a complete package.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage IVA/P
mirage4_volume1.zip (82MB) and
mirage4_volume2.zip (67MB)
Released: April 2008
Designer: Laborie Roland and Jean Pierre Langer
Notes: For FS2004 (also works with FSX). Complete 2D panel and full VC. Included in the Mirage IV package.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage IVA/P
File: ALPHA_Mirage_IV_FS9.zip (9.5MB)
Released: August 2004
Designer: David Bushell
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Also includes VC. Bundled with the three visual models. See a preview.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage IVA/P
File: Mirage4A.exe (9.3MB)
Released: April 2004
Designer: Roland Laborie
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Bundled with the
Mirage IV by Roland Laborie. Package also includes Virtual Cockpit. Makes use of gauges from several other Mirage (see documentation).
Requires the CONCORDE.GAU gauge from FS2000 Pro.

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Kfir / Cheetah / Dagger 

Aircraft: Atlas Cheetah C, SAAF
Files: CheetahC-1.zip (31.1MB)
CheetahC.zip (22.4MB)
Released: August 2012
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: For FS2004 and FSX. Bundled with FS204/FSX Cheetah C. Includes new panel (widescreen and normal) and gauges.
Aircraft: IAI KFIR Updated Package
File: IAFKFIRC7-1.zip (69.4MB)
Released: March 2012
Designer: Michael E. Roberts
Notes: Original by Eduardo Fadul. Gauges updated for FSX. Package includes 45 aircraft and load outs. Includes both 2D & VC panels.
Aircraft: Atlas Cheetah D, SAAF
File: CheetahDv2.5.zip (22.6MB)
Released: December 2010
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: For FS2004 and FSX. Included with
Cheetah D by
Johan Jacobs and Thinus Pretorius.
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah C
Files: CheetahC.zip (16MB)
Released: July 2008
Designer/Repainter: Thinus and Marthinus Pretorius
Notes: Redesigned for FSX but works in FS2004. Bundled with new Cheetah C for FSX.
Aircraft: IAI Kfir/Dagger
File: KFIR7EF.ZIP (29.6MB)
Released: December 2007
Designer: Eduardo Fadul
Notes: For FS2004. Bundled with the Kfir/Dagger (KFIR7EF.ZIP).
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah C
Released: December 2005
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Packaged with new Cheetah C designed by Thinus. Mirage specific XML gauges
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah E
Released: August 2005
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Packaged with new Cheetah E designed by Thinus.
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah E
Released: July 2003
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: For FS2002. Photorealistic background. All new XML based instruments.
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah C
Released: April 2003
Designer: Jens-Ole Kjølberg
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Intended for use with
Cheetah C by Jason Ashworth. Includes some modified background artwork from Denis
and Daniel da Silva Oliveira, Dave Haskell, and Phil Perrot. Includes Eric Marciano's
updated interceptor radar and HUD gauges.
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah D
Released: April 2003
Designer: Jens-Ole Kjølberg
Notes: For FS2002. Bundled with
Cheetah D pack by Jens-Ole Kjølberg/Jason Ashworth. Includes two
versions: early style with framed windscreen (shown) and later style with frameless
windscreen. Includes radar and HUD gauges by Eric Marciano and background artwork from several sources.
Aircraft: Denel Cheetah / IAI Kfir 2000
File: ATLAS_PNL.ZIP (1.43MB)
Released: February 2003
Designers: Denis and Daniel da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS2000/FS2002. Intended for use with Denel Cheetah C or upgraded IAI Kfir 2000.
Includes some background artwork from the often used Kfir panel by Dave Haskell.
Aircraft: IAI Dagger (1982+)
Released: August 2001
Designer: Major (R) Guillermo Posadas
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. Represents panel of Fuerza Aerea Argentina Dagger
after 1982 modernization upgrade. Bundled with DAGGERAR.ZIP.
Includes some photo-realistic components and reworked gauges.
Aircraft: IAI Dagger
File: Harrier Jump Jet Package
Released: March 2001
Designer: Alpha Simulations
Notes: For FS2000 and CFS2. Bundled with Dagger model.
Aircraft: IAI Kfir C2
File: ALPHA_IAI_Kfir_C2.zip (698KB)
Released: January 2001
Designer: Alpha Simulations
Notes: For FS2000 and CFS2. Bundled with IAI Kfir C2 package.
Aircraft: IAI Kfir
File: KFIRPNL.ZIP (1,351KB)
Released: December 1998
Designer: Dave Haskell
Notes: For FS98. Not a true Mirage panel but based on a Mirage
derivative and therefore very usable in the Mirage 5/50, IAI Kfir, and Atlas (Denel) Cheetah E aircraft.
Includes some photo-realistic components.

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Mirage F1 

Name: Mirage F1C, Armee de l'Aire
Mirage-F1 C.zip (121MB)
Released: July 2024
Developer: Jean (D5turbi) Lacante
Notes: MSFS2020 conversion from Henk Schuitemaker P3D conversion of Kirk Olsson's original FS9/FSX model. Complete aircraft but does not include F1CT/F1CR/F1AZ models.
Aircraft: Mirage F1CR/F1CT for MSFS (Ongoing Updates)
File: MRF1v1.28.zip (732MB)
Released: September/October 2022
Designers/Repainter: Alexandre Remy / Henk Schuitemaker / Kirk Olsson / L'iguane
Notes: Ongoing updates to Mirage F1 for P3Dv4 package for use in MSFS 2020. Full package.
Aircraft: Mirage F1 for P3Dv4
File: KO_MF1_P3Dv4.zip (67.6MB)
Released: August 2020
Designers: Kirk Olsson/Henk Schuitemaker
Notes: For P3Dv4/v5. Complete package with new textures,
external loadout configuration manager, completely rebuilt cockpit. Includes F1C, F1CR, F1CT, F1AZ.
More info.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage F1 package
File: Dassault_Mirage_F1.zip (52MB)
Released: December 2018
Repainter: Philippe Wallaert
Notes: For FSX. Complete package with Kirk Olsson original and Danny Garnier VC. New gauges and standard or wide screen panel option. Bundled as a complete package. Recommend Canopy Glass Fix for FSX.
Aircraft: Mirage F1
File: FSXF1V25_21.zip (50.7MB)
Released: September 2012
Designer: Danny Garnier/Kirk Olsson
Notes: An update to previous rework of Kirk Olsson Mirage F1 for use in FSX.
Aircraft: Mirage F1
File: FSXF1V25_2.zip (89.9MB)
Released: June 2009
Designer: Danny Garnier/Kirk Olsson
Notes: Another rework of Kirk Olsson Mirage F1 for use in FSX.
Aircraft: Mirage F1CR
File: miragef1crv2.0_fsx.zip (64.5MB)
Released: December 2008
Repainter: Joel Aramendy
Notes: Repackage of F1V25.zip for use in FSX / Acceleration.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage F1
File: PANEL10.ZIP (8.8MB)
Released: October 2007
Designer: Mel Mutter
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Remake of Kirk Olsson original featuring new background artwork.
Aircraft: Mirage F1AZ
File: MirageF1AZpanelCFS-98V10.zip (2.1MB)
Released: July 2007
Designer: Renaud déAthis
Notes: For CFS/FS98. Background bitmap by Alphasim.
Aircraft: Mirage F1E/M
File: F1EPDHA.ZIP (904KB)
Released: March 2007
Designer: Dennis Husted
Notes: For FS98. Incorporates the moving map. Visibility and frame rate are excellent. Canopy Frame by Phil Perrott. Web host says it copntains malware so have removed link.
Aircraft: Mirage F1CR, F1CR, F1CT
File: F1V25.ZIP (33MB)
Released: October 2005
Designer: Kirk Olsson, Gauges by Romain and Laurant Lucas, Eric Marciano, Peter Dooley, Frank Safranek, and FSD
Notes: For FS2004. Included with new Mirage F1. For more information visit the Preview page.
Aircraft: Mirage F1CZ
F1-206.ZIP (19.6MB)
Released: May 2005
Designers: Peter and Dave Dooley / Thinus Pretorius
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Bundled with updated
Mirage F1CZ by Vasco Ferreira. Package also includes Virtual Cockpit and realistic flight model/cockpit environment.
Aircraft: Mirage F1CZ
File: SA_MIRF1.ZIP (5.4MB)
Released: June 2004
Designer: Thinus Pretorius
Notes: For FS2002/2004. Photorealistic backgrounds and XML based instruments.
Bundled with SAAF Mirage F1CZ by Vasco Ferreira.
Aircraft: Mirage F1 for CFS2
File: DMF1PG.ZIP (5.6MB)
Released: January 2003
Designers: Francis Ponvert/Chuck Dyer
Notes: Modifications to TDB-F1-CR-V0-1.ZIP below for use with CFS2.
Bundled with sound files for Mirage F1.
Aircraft: Mirage F1 (updated)
Released: December 2002
Designers: Mike McCormack/Eric Marciano/Frank Safranek
Notes: Modifications to F1 panel (SF1AZ11.ZIP) to incorporate Eric's functional
radar gauge and
Chuck Dome's modified GPS display. Will work with any single-engine military aircraft. For
FS2002. UPDATE for revised radar/HUD display.
Aircraft: Mirage F1 v1.1
File: TDB-F1-CR-V1-1.ZIP (2.6MB)
Released: July 2002
Designers: Francis Ponvert/Mike McCormack/Eric Marciano
Notes: Panel as below (TDB-F1-CR-V0-1.ZIP) but with modifications to include Eric
Marciano's functional
radar gauge. Requires the CONCORDE.GAU file
from FS2000 Pro. Designed for FS2002.
Aircraft: Mirage F1
File: TDB-F1-CR-V0-1.ZIP (2.8MB)
Released: June 2002
Designers: Francis Ponvert/Mike McCormack
Notes: A new panel designed for use with Kirk Olsson's FS2002 Mirage F1.
Makes some use of Mike McCormack's original F1 panel bitmap. Requires the CONCORDE.GAU file
from FS2000 Pro. Designed for FS2002.
Aircraft: Mirage F1 (updated)
File: MF1-AI_PNL.ZIP (733KB)
Released: January 2002
Designers: Mike McCormack/Eric Marciano
Notes: Modifications to F1 panel above (SF1AZ11.ZIP) to incorporate Rodolfo Arata's AIMap gauge and
Chuck Dome's modified GPS display. Will work with any single-engine military aircraft. For
Aircraft: Mirage F1AZ
File: SF1AZ11.ZIP (1.4MB)
Released: March 1999
Designer: Mike McCormack
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. This panel was made specifically for the Jason
Ashworth F1AZ Aircraft (SF1AZ11.ZIP) but will work equally
well with any single-engine military aircraft.  Includes some photo-realistic components.

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Mirage 2000 

Aircraft: Mirage 2000C RDI
File: M2KC_v1.02.zip (469.8MB)
Released: May 2015
Developer: Metal2Mesh
Notes: For FSX/P3D. Very system deep cockpit. Requires Tacpack for weapons and radar. Works with Peter Dowson's MakeRunways utility.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-5F
File: Mirage_2000_5F_FS9.exe (50MB)
Released: October 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with GMAX Acad�mie Mirage 2000-5F package (includes 6 models, 7 textures).
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-9
File: Mirage_2000_9_FS9.exe (46MB)
Released: October 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000-9 package (includes 11 models, 13 textures).
Aircraft: Mirage 2000C-RDI
File: Mirage2000C.exe (39.7MB)
Released: September 2009
Designer: Eric Marciano / SimScape / GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Includes functioning radar and HUD. Bundled with Mirage 2000C-RDI.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-5
File: PC_pilot Mirage 2000.zip (390MB)
Released: August 2009
Designer: Roland Laborie / Jean Pierre Bourgeois
Notes: For FSX/Acceleration. Bundled with Mirage 2000-5 package (multiple external loads, 16 Arm�e de l'Air and export texture schemes).
Aircraft: Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000B
File: GA_Mirage2000B.exe (48MB)
Released: July 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000B package (includes 8 models, 10 textures).
Aircraft: Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000C
File: GA_Mirage2000C.exe (64.9MB)
Released: July 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000C package (includes 8 models, 23 textures).
Aircraft: Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000D
File: GA_Mirage2000D.exe (76.4MB)
Released: July 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000D package (includes 11 models, 16 textures).
Aircraft: Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000N
File: GA_Mirage2000N.exe (53MB)
Released: July 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000N package (includes 6 models, 15 textures).
Aircraft: Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000 Export
File: GA_Mirage2000E.exe (72.3MB)
Released: July 2009
Designer: GMAX Académie
Notes: For FS2004. Panel by Jonathan Hilaire. Gauges by Roland Laborie and Eric Marciano. Bundled with Gmax Academy Mirage 2000 Export package (includes 17 models/ configurations, 13 textures).
Aircraft: Mirage 2000
File: AbacusMirage2000_FSX.exe
Released: August 2008
Designer: Turgot Piskin/Abacus
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Payware.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-5F
File: M2KPDHA.ZIP (398KB)
Released: March 2007
Designer: Dennis Husted
Notes: For FS98. Incorporates the moving map. Visibility and frame rate are excellent. Canopy Frame by Phil Perrott.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000N
File: MIR2000N.ZIP (13.3MB)
Released: March 2005
Designer: Roland Laborie
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Bundled with the
Mirage 2000N by Roland Laborie. Package also includes Virtual Cockpit. Makes use of many new gauges designed by Roland (see documentation).
Aircraft: Mirage 2000C
File: M2000DCDN.ZIP (1.3MB)
Released: December 2002
Designer: Ernest Laverdure
Notes: For FS2002. Background based on photos of real Mirage 2000C panel.
Makes use of Eric Marciano's radar and includes instructions for alternate map view. Requires the
from FS2000 Pro.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage 2000
Released: April 2002
Designers: Jeff Cohen/Patrice Grange
Notes: For CFS2/FS2000. Photo-realistic and fully equipped. New layout
using panel background from MIR2000PAN.ZIP below.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage 2000
File: MIR2000PAN.ZIP (824KB)
Released: March 2002
Designer: Patrice Grange
Notes: For CFS2/FS2000. Photo-realistic and fully equipped.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage 2000-5F
File: PANEL_M2K.ZIP (922KB)
Released: October 2001
Designer: Denis da Silva Oliveira
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. This panel was made using a photo of the real Mirage
2000-5 panel as the background.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-5F
File: M2K5FPANEL.ZIP (297KB)
Released: February 2001
Designer: Oxyd
Notes: For FS2000. This panel was made specifically for Oxyd's
Mirage 2000-5 (M2K5FMDL.ZIP) but will work equally well with any other single engine military aircraft.
Uses instruments from FS2000 and HUD by Paul Schwerdtfeger.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000
File: M2000PNL.ZIP (1.7MB)
Released: May 2000
Designer: Dave Haskell
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. Includes some photo-realistic components.
and switchable HUD and MFDs.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000-5
File: MIRA2000.ZIP (483KB)
Released: November 1997
Designer: Michel Polski
Notes: For FS98/FS2000. Designed from a photo (includes some photo-realistic
components) of the real Mirage 2000-5 panel.
Aircraft: Mirage 2000C/RDI
File: M2000PNL_FS51.ZIP (234KB)
Released: December 1995
Designer: Stéphane Soubiran
Notes: For FS5.1 only. Will not work with any newer FS version. Designed from a photo of the real Mirage 2000C/RDI panel.

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Mirage 4000 

Aircraft: Mirage 4000 panel - version 2007
File: MIRAGE4000.ZIP
Released: June 2007
Designer: Eric Marciano
Notes: An update to the radar gauge to add compatibility with FSX and multiplayer.
Also adds more installation options for panel designers. Now includes both square and round
format radar screens. Visit Eric's website
for more information and updates.
Name: Mirage 4000 panel mod
File: FS_HUD_M4K.ZIP (38KB)
Released: July 2004
Designer: Frank Safranek
Notes: For FS2004. Adaptation of new HUD gauge from
DSB Design. Requires base aircraft/instrument panel (MIRAGE4000.ZIP).
Aircraft: Mirage Radar/HUD v2.0
File: M4000_panelUpgrade.zip (150KB)
Released: June 2003
Designer: Eric Marciano
Notes: For FS2002. Update to Mirage 4000 radar/HUD gauge included in many
panel files below. Improvements include: new HUD with increased visual quality and additional
target information (Closing Speed), new radar visible in Virtual Cockpit mode (ideal for interceptions),
and keyboard shortcuts for easy access to radar and HUD functions.
Aircraft: Dassault Mirage 4000
File: MIRAGE4000.ZIP (2.5MB)
Released: July 2002
Designer: Eric Marciano
Notes: Designed for FS2002. Made in conjunction with the Romain Lucas designed
Mirage 4000, this panel includes custom MFD, HUD, and interceptor radar
gauges. Visit Eric's
website for more information and updates.

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Étendard / Super-Étendard 

Aircraft: Super Étendard Modernisé for X-Plane 11
File: PIZ-130-sem-super-etendard-xp11.zip (100MB)
Released: July 2021
Developer: Franco Pizzagalli, Romain Lucas, Laurent Lucas, Eric Marciano
Notes: Free of charge conversion of Romain Lucas FSX version to X-Plane-11. Read this
Aircraft: Super Étendard Modernisé
File: Dassault_Super_Etendard.zip (20.9MB)
Released: April 2015
Repainter: Philippe Wallaert
Notes: Complete package For FSX. Romain Lucas SEM adapted to FSX with VC mods and new 2D Panel.
Aircraft: Étendard IVM / IVP (Final Release)
File: EtendardIVM_FSX_v1.exe (166MB)
Released: May 2011
Designer: Royale French Navy Design
Notes: For FSX/Acceleration. Includes updated IVM version (4 configurations, 6 schemes), new IVP recon version (3 configurations, 2 schemes), and an AI refueling Étendard. Both French and English manuals.
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard Modernise, Widescreen (16:9)
File: SEM_pnl_w.zip (3.87MB)
Update: Patch to remove black area at the bottom of the view out of the cockpit.
Released: March 2011 / May 2013
Designers: Jean-Luc Peters
Notes: For FSX. Widescreen version of 2D FSX panel. Includes easy access landing panel to facilitate perfect approaches.
Aircraft: Dassault Étendard IVM
EtendardIVM_FSX_BETA_v1.zip (67.5MB)
Released: October 2010
Designer: Royale French Navy Design
Notes: For FSX/Acceleration. "Beta" version, four texture sets, highly detailed virtual cockpit.
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard
File: panel_sue_mirage.zip (1.3MB)
Released: September 2010
Redesigner: Gastón Emmanuel Salomón
Notes: For FS2004. Modifications to the Mirage F1 panel by Thinus Pretorius. Adds traffic radar by Arne Bartels.
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard
File: PanelSEM.ZIP (12.4MB)
Released: November 2009
Designers: Jean-Luc Peters
Notes: For FSX. Alterations to 2D panel included in Danny Garnier's FSX update of the Super Etendard by Romain Lucas. This update also corrects CTD error. :-)
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard
File: SEM_X.ZIP (8.2MB)
Released: October 2009
Designers: Danny Garnier/Romain Lucas
Notes: For FSX. Updates SEM by Romain Lucas with new FSX "compatible" gauges. Causes "out of memory" and CTD on my system. :-(
Aircraft: Super-Étendard Update
File: super_etendard.zip (2.5MB)
Released: March 2008
Designer: OBIO/Alphasim
Notes: For FS2002/CFS2. Update of the Alphasim Super Etendard. Packaged with super_etendard.zip.
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard
Released: February 2008
Designer: Italo D'Attomo and Giovanni Quai
Notes: For FS2004. Included with SUPETEND.ZIP.
Name: Super-Étendard Modernisé panel mod
Released: July 2004
Designer: Frank Safranek
Notes: For FS2004. Adaptation of new HUD gauge from
DSB Design. Requires base aircraft/instrument panel (SEM.ZIP).
Aircraft: Super-Étendard Modernisé
Released: March 2004
Designer: Frank Safranek
Notes: For FS2002/FS2004. Adaptation of RCBCO-11.ZIP (1.1MB - Required)
Carrier Operation Package to SEM panel. Adds capability for aircraft carrier catapult
launches and arrestor cable landings. Includes HUD landing aid. Also requires base aircraft (SEM.ZIP).
Name: Super-Étendard Modernisé panel mod
File: EntendardPanel.ZIP (3KB)
Released: February 2004
Designer: Chris Coarse
Notes: For FS2002/FS2004. Adds a GPS and removes the radar display from Super Etendard Modernisé panel
(by Romain Lucas). Requires base aircraft/instrument panel (SEM.ZIP).
Name: Super-Étendard Modernisé panel mod
File: rcbco_supEtend_Panel.ZIP (3KB)
Released: February 2004
Designer: Sonny
Notes: For FS2002/FS2004. Adaptation of RCBCO-11.ZIP (1.1MB - Required)
Carrier Operation Package to Super Etendard Modernisé panel (by Romain Lucas). Also requires base aircraft (SEM.ZIP).
Aircraft: Super-Étendard Modernisé
Released: September 2003
Designer: Benoit M. Dubé
Notes: For FS2002. Modifications to instrument
panel for Super Etendard Modernisé to add GPS, HSI, new ADI, and new HUD. Requires SEM.ZIP below.
Aircraft: Super-Étendard Modernisé
Released: July 2003
Designer: Marcel Ritzema
Notes: For FS2002. Modification to instrument
panel for Super Etendard Modernisé to replace backup Atitude Indicator gauge (far right)
with a VOR1 gauge for ILS approaches. Requires SEM.ZIP below.
Aircraft: Super-Étendard Modernisé
File: SEM.ZIP (4.8MB)
Released: July 2003
Designers: Romain and Laurent Lucas
Notes: For FS2002. Photorealistic background. Some new instruments
by Romain and Laurent Lucas. Updated radar/HUD by Eric Marciano. Bundled with
Super Etendard by Romain Lucas.
Aircraft: Dassault Super-Étendard
File: ALPHA_Super_Etendard.zip (1.2MB)
Released: September 2001
Designers: Phil Perrott/Alphasim
Notes: For FS2002/CFS2. Originally bundled with Alphasim Super Etendard. Not included in freeware release.

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Aircraft: Alpha60 Dassault Rafale M Custom Cameras
File: Rafale M Cameras_FkW5s.zip (4KB)
Released: July 2024
Designer: Snoopy7412
Notes: Optimized all-round views, improved instrument views, and corrected showcase camera positioning for Alpha60 Dassault Rafale M.
Aircraft: CJS R-FAL for MSFS2020
File: Purchase and install from MSFS2020 In-Game Marketplace (3.59GB)
Released: December 2023
Developer: CJ Simulations
Notes: 2 versions each of Rafale C and Rafale M (supersonic and long range external tanks). 17 textures for Rafale C (with exports) and 14 for Rafale M. Very detailed cockpit and aircraft.
Aircraft: Rafale M FS2020/2024, v3.1
(Ongoing Updates)
File: Rafale M V3.1_96xTJ.zip (714MB)
Released: July 2021/January 2025
Conversion by: alpha60
Notes: Conversion of Thor's Hammer Rafale M. Textures work in FSX v2.2 version.
Virtual cockpit is highly detailed and functional.
Aircraft: Rafale C/M/B for France, Egypt, India, and Qatar
File: Rafale-CMB-V2 (260MB) for P3D and FSX. (Discount for previous FSX buyers)
Released: August 2020
Designer: FlyFree Studio
Notes: Payware for P3D and FSX. Includes C, B, and M versions. Complete cockpit with detailed avionics.
Aircraft: Rafale A/C/M FSX Update
File: RafaleMupX-1.zip (26MB)
Released: October 2014
Repainter: Bob Chicilo
Notes: Optional second 2D panel for FSX Rafale A/C and M updates. Complete aircraft with updated flight dynamics and updates to original panel.
Aircraft: Rafale C/M
File: PID7033 (173MB)
Released: January 2013
Designer: FlyFreeStd
Notes: Payware for FSX Acceleration. Textures for C and M versions with clean and armed models. Detailed Virtual Cockpit (no 2D panel). FSX Carrier Operations update.
Aircraft: Rafale C/B/M
File: RafaleVPA.zip (77MB)
Released: March/July 2012
Designers: VPA
Notes: Designed for FS2004. Both virtual cockpit and 2D panel included. Bundled with Rafale C, Rafale B, and Rafale M by VPA. Includes hot and cold start options as well as US and metric gauges.
Aircraft: Rafale C, Aircraft & 2D Panel Update
File: gator_rafalec_2dpanel.zip (17.9MB)
Released: January 2012
Repainter: Fabrice Kauffmann
Notes: For FS2004. Complete package using existing updates and fixes. 2D panel only, no virtual cockpit in this version.
Aircraft: Rafale C/M
File: PID5548 (493MB)
Released: June 2011
Designers: Roland Laborie/Jean Pierre Bourgeois
Notes: For FSX Acceleration. Includes multiple weapons loads. See this Preview Page.
Aircraft: Rafale M
Carrier Strike Force
Released: August 2008
Designer: Turgot Piskin/Abacus
Notes: For FS2004/FSX. Part of payware Carrier Strike Force package.
Aircraft: Dassault Rafale
Released: February 2007
Designer: Dennis Husted
Notes: For FS98. Incorporates the moving map. Visibility and frame rate are excellent. Canopy Frame by Phil Perrott.
Aircraft: Rafale HUD Modification
Released: January 2006
Designer: Julien Rozen
Notes: New files only. Requires files from Mirage 2000N by Rollus and Rafale by Gator. Also includes automated flaps and modification to the flight model. Be sure to view the Readme file.
Aircraft: Dassault Rafale
File: Bug_Ecran_Gauche_Rafale.zip (600KB)
Released: November 2004
Designer: Siegfried Vlaminck
Notes: Update to correct display problem in FS2004. Gauges only. Replaces the gauges.zip file from Cyril Pioffet's Rafale panel.
Aircraft: Dassault Rafale
Files: aircraft/panel (2.2MB) and gauges (600KB)
Released: December 2002
Designer: Cyril Pioffet
Notes: For FS2002. Included in Rafale package.
Makes use of Eric Marciano's radar. Custom gauges and background artwork. Update (3KB)
to correct display problem in FS2004.
Aircraft: Dassault Rafale
Released: March 2001
Designer: Oxyd
Notes: For FS2000. This panel was made specifically for Oxyd's
Rafale M (RAFMMDL.ZIP) but will work equally well with any
other Rafale aircraft. Uses instruments from FS2000 and HUD by Paul Schwerdtfeger.
The fine print at the bottom of the page.Download and use
these files at your own risk. Neither the owner of this website, nor
the authors of the individual files, make any warranty, implied or otherwise,
as to the quality, suitability or safety of any software included on this
page, and will not assume any responsibility for loss, injury, or damage
resulting from their use. For what it's worth, they all work fine
on my system. - Frank Safranek

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